Monday 9 February 2015

Saturday and the children have two grandmas here, Rosalie arrived at midday, we'll have a fab week!
Daisy is beginning to move around in the walker, sometimes going forwards!
Austin loves having a mobile sister and even pushes her in the walker

Does this logo look familiar?

An icecream on a stick covered in soft caramel and biscuit crumbs
It didn't really taste of anything specific

A trip out on Monday morning to the Territory wildlife park at Berry Springs
Austin and friend Amaya are waiting for the internal road train to pop us to the first exhibit
The Nocturnal House
It was a little unnerving for Austin going from a bright morning into a darkened set of rooms
He soon cheered up when he realised there were creatures to view
Bats greeted us, then snakes, flying foxes, slugs, a tawny frog mouth owl. Didn't really look like an owl to me, but then who am I to comment? Many of you know I'd rather not be alongside birds 

Back to the train stop, a quick picture of where we were then off to the Oolloo sandbar
bypassing a Woodland walk, the monsoon forest a walk through aviary, phew! and the aquarium
At the sandbar we were to watch the whipray fish which is related to the shark.
Amaya's dad, Paul, Grandma Rosalie and Dale were happy to dip into the water to feed these strange looking animals

I hope you're able to see the size of the fish and that these three friends of mine are happy to actually be this near to them to feed them

Meanwhile at the side of the fish pool Austin and Amaya were happy scooping out tracks to drive diggers and trucks while they waited!! 
Isn't it amazing how children can just make the most of the environment they're in 

As with hands on farms at home there are hand and feet washing fascilities 
for after handling fish food being in their fish pool 

After another quick ride n the train we arrived at the Flight Deck
Again Austin and Amaya made the best of where we were while they waited for the show
Music was playing quietly, Amaya danced

A beautiful auditorium laid out - what will we see?
I was more than a little nervous as this is an open area, no clear fenced place in which to keep the birds away from the audience! But particularly me!!

These two have been friends for most of their little lives
Amaya's mum is from Wall Heath near Kinswinford,
as Tim says, she speaks my language

And so to the barn owl
A pretty little bird, and I quite like them

Rufous owl, not so endearing

A jaberoo

The guy who did the presentation talked all the time
and was very knowledgeable 

And so back to base to browse in the shop
Ice-cream and iced lollies

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